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Original Paintings

Prices of works in the gallery can be found by clicking on an image. Some paintings are available for purchase through ArtPal ( or Etsy ( For all other paintings, please email me for purchase inquiries.



Prices are negotiated according to the specific constraints, specifications, and vision of the project. Prices are negotiated according to the specific constraints, specifications, and vision of the project. Price is determined by a combination of painting size, time, and difficulty. I work with clients to find a size and project to fit their budgets!

Giclée Prints

Prints of many paintings on this website can be made to order. Some are available for purchase on Etsy ( Please email me to inquire about prints of art not currently available on Etsy or for alternate size or print material options.


Listed below are current prices for giclée prints by size (note: add $10 to icon prints, which are touched up by hand with gold paint)

5" × 7" ------------- $35

6"× 6" ------------- $35

8"× 10" ------------ $40

6"× 12" ------------ $40

10"× 20" ---------- $60

12"× 16" ----------- $65

16"× 20" ----------- $75

9"× 12" ------------ $45

10"× 10" ---------- $45

5"× 15" ------------ $50

11"× 14" ----------- $55

***Prices are subject to periodic re-evaluation and adjustment***

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